We write to you on this Super Pink Full moon - the brightest full moon of the year and the first full moon of Spring. This full moon is in the sign of Libra, which represents Balance and Harmony.
That is where we find ourselves in the stars -- supported by the renewal of spring and the energies of balance and harmony.
And on Earth? Many are struggling. The coronavirus has been both devastating and tragic and also full of signs of renewal as the Earth receives a much needed break from all of the pollution, production and human activity on Earth.
We don't really know how long this will last -- we really don't know much at all, and that in itself is both challenging to us humans who find so much security and comfort in what is planned and known -- and also is spiritually liberating as we realize that we were never really in control anyways.
At this time of the great forced pause, we send you our deepest wishes for your balance. We hope that you can connect to the beauty of this super full moon and reflect on how you can cultivate balance in your own heart and life in this time of uncertainty.
We also offer you a Full Moon Self Care ritual that we hope brings your nervous system into a calm state of gentle bliss and your mind and heart into greater balance, peace and faith.
At Sacred Rituel, we believe that we are part of the Earth. As such, we take immense care to use the purest ingredients that are ethically harvested while giving back to the planet, so our business practices cultivate balance.
We wonder if we are indeed conscious parts of the Earth... perhaps what we do to come into greater balance within ourselves will assist us all into moving into greater balance on Earth? We believe so.
With love,
Sacred Rituel Beauty
~ A Self Care Libra Full Moon Ritual ~
Place one or more crystals outside into the sunlight during the day. This charges your crystals with solar energy.
In the evening, make yourself a calming tea. Chamomile, lavender, Valerian, Holy Basil, Kava Kava are all nerving herbs - plants that calm and relax both the nervous system and the body.
Create some private space for yourself. If you are quarantining with your family, it will feel balancing to have some sacred alone time. If you are quarantining alone, play some beautiful, uplifting music like anything by "Beautiful Chorus". Enjoy the many harmonic voices singing positive affirmations that open the heart.
Run a bath. Dim the lights. Light some candles. Create a beautiful space ~ take some time and intention to create an at home spa.
Add 1/2 cup Epsom salts to your bath or 1/4 cup regular sea salt. You may add a few drops of a calming essential oil to the water, such as lavender. If you have flowers, or even rosemary twigs or branches, add them.
Add the crystals into your bath and place them on your body as you close your eyes, relax and go into meditation.
Connect with your heart. Begin a conversation with your heart. You can say "Hi beloved heart, how are you?" You will notice your heart has so much to share. It has been feeling and processing a lot, these last few weeks! Allow yourself to feel the feelings and allow your heart to express. Feel held in the water and receive the energy of the crystals.
Take as long as you need. Once your heart speaks to you and releases, allow yourself to just be with the sensations in your body. Allow yourself to rest in the silence. Connect to any prayers, hopes, intentions you may have and ask for help from your guardian angels, spirit guides, from the Universe or whoever you believe in.
Take this time to reflect on how you can support more balance in this time for yourself.
As you finish, wrap yourself in a towel and bring the atmosphere or rest and relaxation into your bedroom.
Consider ending the evening by writing a love letter to your heart, honoring it as the portal in your body that cultivates balance with each breath you take, each beat of your heart, with all it feels and processes and the life it gives you.
Remember, you are loved.
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