Healing Together: Herbal Remedies and Community Support for Mental Health
This week is World Mental Health Awareness week and we want to take a moment to raise awareness and honor a struggle that affects us all.
With anxiety levels higher than ever before among our youth and adults alike, we wish to share some herbal allies and aromatherapy tricks that are so simple, accessible and clinically shown to make a difference for our mental well being.
While there are many plants and healing remedies that can support us in our mental health, it is important to acknowledge that healing doesn’t happen with a magick pill & it also can’t happen when we are in isolation.
We need community, support, love and help when we are struggling. Asking for help and reaching out takes courage and is perhaps the most important first step we can take towards healing and supporting our mental health.
Reach out to friends or family who may be struggling. Offer support, a listening ear, a nourishing meal, the gift of friendship and non judgment. Remind your children and loved ones to ask for help and share their feelings. Be a safe place for others to express their truth, especially when that truth does not look pretty.
And remember that your community of support can extend beyond the human network of kin. Nature, trees, healing teas, soothing smells are the gifts of the Earth that weave us into deeper connection with the web of life that supports us all.
Here are some of our favorite plant allies and how they can help you:
There is a reason chamomile tea is so popular and common. But do not let that fool you – behind this sunny flowering beauty is an herb with potent medicinal benefits.
Making a cup of chamomile tea is shown to reduce anxiety, stress, worry. It is a safe herb that can be used by people of all ages or on any medication. The stronger the brew, the more calming it will be, so we recommend brewing your tea from whole dried flowers versus a tea bag.
Mix a strong brew of chamomile tea with milk and honey and you will make a calming, soothing, warming and delightfully comforting beverage that children of all ages adore.
Chamomile tea after a meal supports digestion. Drinking chamomile in the evening will help you get restful sleep. If you struggle with anxiety or panic attacks, drink chamomile tea throughout the day to connect with a sunny, uplifting, gentle, heart warming, relaxing energy.
Motherwort is a bitter nervine with an affinity for calming anxiety, cooling hot flashes, regulating hormones among women, and strengthening the heart.
Add 1 teaspoon of Motherwort TIncture to a small glass of water and drink this 2 or 3 times a day to soothe anxiety, lower blood pressure, to heal a broken heart and to support hormone fluctuations.
If you feel anxious, reach for that Motherwort tincture in your purse and dose yourself accordingly.

Aromatherapy is the practice of using healing smells, most often from pure essential oils, for therapeutic purposes. Experiencing smells activates parts of our brain connected to memory and emotions. Plants communicate with their essential oils and smells and we can work with different healing aromas to enliven the mind, calm the spirit, promote feelings of relaxation, enhance memory and more.
Make sure you use therapeutic grade essential oils and avoid synthetic fragrances which can cause harm. Essential oil diffusers are a very easy way to safely and effectively distribute a smell into your room or home. It is best to avoid scented candles, unless they specify that they are free of synthetic fragrances. Synthetic perfumes can wreak havoc on the endocrine system, which regulates hormones. Organic essential oils and therapeutic grade essential oils bring you the best of nature, and a little goes a long way.
Lavender essential oil is one of the most researched aromatherapy oils and has been shown to reduce stress, promote relaxation, enhance focus and improve sleep quality.
The calming smell of lavender is soothing to anxiety, stress and an overactive mind. Mix a few drops of Lavender essential oil into a mist bottle with water and spray around and on yourself to your liking. You may also mist your bedroom and use lavender flower sachets for your laundry.
Add lavender essential oil to your diffuser to bring a calming energy to the home. It can be a wonderful ritual to do so when kids return from school and adults from work. This will create a relaxing home environment where your family can unwind, relax and promote healing from the damage stress causes.
Lavender is very safe for all ages.

Rose essential oil is much more difficult to obtain than lavender, it is one of the most expensive essential oils as it takes thousands of pounds of petals to extract just a few milliliters of essential oil. However, you can find rose essential oil bottled in a carrier oil like jojoba and apply it to your skin for therapeutic purposes, much as you would a perfume.
Our Sacred Rose Mist is made from pure Rose Hydrosol, which contains the natural occurring essential oils and the waters found within rose petals. Thousands of pounds of organic bulgarian rose petals are steam distilled to capture this healing elixir. Misting your face provides soothing, anti-inflammatory benefits as well as the therapeutic effects of the aroma of roses.
The smell of roses is shown to promote relaxation, pleasure, feelings of calm and open heartedness. New mothers who smelled rose essential oil often report being able to relax more into the new experience of motherhood and feel stress melt away as their hearts opened.
Rose is an aphrodisiac and heart opener and just smelling roses, the hydrosol or essential oil can dramatically elevate mood and bring in feelings of relaxation and bliss.
Rose is associated with love and the smell of roses softens our hard edges and opens us to greater feelings of inner peace.

In support of our physical, mental and emotional health, we would like to gift you a special 25% discount on this bundle of ROSE MIST and Marysia Miernowska’s herbal book, which contains many recipes that promote more physical and mental wellbeing.
"The Witch's Herbal Apothecary: Rituals & Recipes for a Year of Earth Magick and Sacred Medicine Making" by Marysia Miernowska truly shines as an ideal introduction to the world of witchy herbal magic. It's akin to flipping through a magazine, but instead of merely reading, you're immersing yourself in a realm of earthly enchantment. I enthusiastically rate it 5/5 because it excels at being a fantastic entry point into the world of witchy apothecary. The way it lays out rituals and recipes is exceptionally user-friendly, making it a perfect fit for beginners like myself. Miernowska's approach is not just informative but also down-to-earth, which effortlessly eases the learning process about sacred herbs and magick, making it feel like second nature. So, if you're curious about brewing potions, crafting rituals, or simply connecting with the natural world in a witchy way, this book is an absolute essential. It serves as a friendly guide for embarking on your magical journey, and I can't recommend it enough!"
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