Happy February Full Moon Beautiful ones!
On February 9th, our moon becomes full in the sign of Leo!
It is a month of celebrating love and Valentine's Day and while we feel the quickening energies of spring, it is wise to remember the Earth is still completing her season of winter.
At SACRED RITUEL, we listen to the cycles of nature and call on plants, healing foods, remedies and rituals in order to harmonize ourselves with the Earth. When the Earth sleeps in the winter, we learn to slow down as well. If we do so, when spring comes, our vitality and energy experiences a rebirth that can only come after rest.
So open your hearts dear ones to yourselves, each other and the beauty of the natural Earth. And while you do so, stay nourished and connected to the healing foods, herbs, rituals and practices that continue to restore your nervous system, aid you in getting good sleep, and help you move at a slower, winter pace. Hot baths, meditation, nourishing broths and mineral rich soups are all recommended.
And as those around you begin to bring out the Valentine's candy, stay connected to what makes you feel loved. Go for the feeling, rather than the thing. We probably don't need more gifts that will collect dust. If you are buying something like chocolate, consider passing on the Hersheys or Nestle brands that are connected shockingly unethical practices and buy something of a true love quality - cacao that is fairly traded and organically grown, maybe something locally made by someone in your community! Our choices truly make an impact on the health of our loved ones and the planet.
When we created Sacred Serum, we did not want to make just another product packaged in plastic that would not truly enhance your life. We created Sacred Serum using only the finest, highest quality, purest ingredients. We wanted to do right by you and the planet. We extracted beautiful healing flowers and herbs into the raw, cold pressed oils, without ever using heat so as not to alter the pure botanical ingredients. We added a generous amount of hemp extract oil grown using regenerative, biodynamic and organic practices by a family who is in devotion to farming in a way that heals the Earth and builds topsoil so future generations have healthy ecosystems. We are vegan, cruelty free, preservative free and third party test to ensure we are as clean, are and potent as it gets.
We made every single decision from a place of love for ourselves, those who we wish to serve, and our beloved planet, who grows the healing herbs and plants that nourish us and help us thrive.
And we hope, that as you mist your face with the pure roses grown in a sacred ancient valley in Bulgaria, and as your pores drink in the waters of the most sacred flowers and oils, that you awaken to the miracle and beauty of your heart and life, and fall in love with yourself a little bit more each day.
You are radiant. You are beautiful. You are worthy. You are love.
Embody this truth and spread the love.
In love,
Marysia & the SACRED RITUEL team
For more information on harmonizing yourself with the cycles of nature, using herbs, healing foods and rituals, check out my new book "The Witch's Herbal Apothecary: Rituals and Recipes for a Year of Earth Magick and Sacred Medicine Making" available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and maybe your local bookstore.
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